
Pirates of the Dread Sea: Orc, Goblin and Skrier Pirates

Created by Mike and Rich Chappell

Orc, Goblin and Skrier Pirate Crews for use with Pirates of the Dread Sea and other games! 35mm scale metal miniatures

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Push
about 2 years ago – Sun, May 15, 2022 at 02:43:44 AM

Hello everyone. Once again, apologies for radio silence, but the news is good. Some pledges have been sent, more have been packed, and the rest are on their way. The financial difficulties we were experiencing have alleviated somewhat, and we will finally be completing the delivery of this Kickstarter over the next couple of weeks. 


A long overdue update
over 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 03:21:12 AM

Hi everyone. Apologies for the lack of communication. Things haven't gone as I would have liked with the company, leaving us in some financial difficulties, and at times I have been unwell, and at times these two things have combined to make it a struggle to face up to even basic tasks. 

However, I will get everything sent. Some of you, around a third, have received your pledges whilst the rest have not. I write to assure you that you will, and indeed the models are ready, and gorgons and ghosts aside, have been ready for a while. The various internal delays, manufacturing delays, covid delays have meant that shipping costs are different from when you all paid for your shipping, and in some cases, of course, the b word has had an impact. Sometimes this has meant  that stuff has been ready to post and we haven't had the funds to send much. 

Speaking of ghosts though:

 We now have the complete set of four and these will be shipped alongside everything else. Huzzah! And we've possibly even got enough pesky gorgons now, though they turned out to be just as tricky fo print as they were to cast.
I suspect some of you will read this and say to yourselves "this is not my problem, I just want my stuff" and that's completely true. I write only today to be frank and honest, and to reassure you: you will get your stuff! Even if we continue not to make much money, we are in a better financial position daily, and I'm in fine health (for now)- so with a bit of luck it should be a case of blasting through the rest of the orders.

Thanks for your patience and sorry again for the lack of comms 


A Substantive Update
about 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 05:21:12 AM

Ahoy me hearties! I'm sorry it's been so long, there were some things we needed to sort out but fingers crossed most are now sorted. The main new is this:

The Metals Have Arrived 

The vast majority of your pledges have now been produced in metal and we can start shipping them. Huzzah! 


We've had issues with a couple of miniatures that just didn't cast well - none of the main crews, as we had all of those tested before the Kickstarter - but a few of the add-ons. The biggest problem was with the Gorgon, who simply refused to keep all of her snakes on her head.  We also had some issues with some of the ghosts


You may recall - equally you may well have forgotten, that the plan was to have 4 Ghosts but we only had 1 finished at the time the campaign ran. The sculptor booked to finish the ghosts has been unwell, but is now back at work and has finished the remaining Ghosts. Huzzah again! Unfortunately I am concerned that if I send these for casting there will be another substantial delay (mainly due to covid and the way the manufacturer has to work)


We will now be providing the Gorgon miniature and the ghosts in 3D printed plastic. I totally understand  that this is now what you all pledged for but, it solves the issues quickly, and in the case of the Gorgon I think it's the only solution. I also wouldn't do this if I did not think we could provide high enough quality 3D prints. We can. Here are some of the fairies and trolls which we printed to have painted whilst waiting for the metal versions:

I hope you'll all be happy with what you receive. 


In the first instance you will all receive the expansion "Hunted" as a PDF. We will send the printed versions at a later date but they are not ready and we want to send your miniatures out. Whilst I'm not going to pretend this is good news, it does at least give us some opportunity to take feedback before the physical print. 

Thanks as ever for your patience and support

Capn Rich 

Update and Digital Edition
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 06:05:45 PM

Ahoy me hearties! I've had a couple of requests for an update so just thought I would re-iterate that the majority of miniatures are now being manufactured and we are simply waiting - this is definitely taking longer than usual and is down to a smaller number of staff being able to work int he factory at the same time. I'll update more when there is further news. 

You may have noticed that we have previously offered STL (3d printable files) of anything you have backed for in this campaign to be shared with you for free. This offer still stands. Additionaally we have decided to make EVERYTHING for Pirates of the Dread Sea available as 3D printable files via a new Kickstarter campaign which will be launching soon and can be previewed here:

One of the reasons for doing so is that we know some people will have been put off by high shipping costs from the UK to their part of the world, another is the increase in relatively affordable 3D printers, and another is, frankly,  we could do with a boost to sales. Normally we would have taken POTDS to conventions and shows and clubs all over the UK and demoed it to anyone interested, and word of mouth may have lead to more sales, but due to the pandemic none of that has happened, For us to be abe to crack on with more crews and expansions, we could do with some more players - so if you know anyone with a 3D printer, please do share that link with them! 

Apologies once again for the ongoing delays, and thanks, as ever, for the wonderful support.

Capn Rich 

Production Update
over 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 08:47:08 PM

Hello everyone, and I do apologise for not updating before - I really didn't realise how long it had been. Today the manufacturers confirmed that the master moulds of most of the miniatures are complete, which means a full production run can begin,  and heopfully I'll be able to show you some metal miniatures really soon! And then ship them to you! Whilst I know that Covid is still having an impact at the casters, I now hope that we will be shipping in weeks, not months.  More as soon as I have it! 

Thanks for your ongoing support

Capn Rich